That's What She Said....
Quote of the day comes curtesy of Monsieur Hollande, "I have said it very clearly; Madame Theresa May wants a hard BREXIT, then talks will be hard too."
As European leaders meet for a EU Summit the welcome for Theresa May was decidedly chilly with any notion that preliminary negotiations could start on the BREXIT process quickly dispelled. European Council leader Donald Tusk's welcoming words were a warning to not even attempt any negotiations.
The EU continues to ratchet up the pressure by simultaneously stating that it will take a hardline on negotiations while also refusing to show their hand until article 50 is invoked. With public opinion in the UK starting to turn against BREXIT, so called BREGRET, (according to a Ipsos Mori poll) as the economic effects start to be felt, the EU is inflicting a sort of existential terror. There is both simultaneous dread over the invoking of Article 50 and a intolerable build up of pressure as the wait becomes to much to bear. This is very smart by the the EU and we can already see that the government is starting to splinter. The longer the UK waits to invoke Article 50 (from which seemingly there is no return), and it is clear that the preparations are chaotic, the higher the chance that there is another referendum on UK membership of the EU, especially if the current High Court case over parliamentary consent is successful.